Plastic Bags
A surprising fact:
Australia uses around four billion plastc check-out
Bags a years.
And that’s only Australia-globally hundreds of
Billions are used!
We’ve all seen them ; clinging to trees,drifting along
Footpaths and swirling around oceans.
Danger to life
Produced plastic well during the process harmful
greenhous gases are emitted.
Environmentalists reckon thousands of birds and
Marine animals die each year because they swallow
The plastic or get caught up it.
In 2000,this whale died on a beach in Queensland-
6 metres of plastic was found in its tummy.
Polyethylene,or plastic , takes hundreds of years to
be destroyed so once plastic bags are made,they hang
around for a very long time.
Human to protect themselves
We haven’t always used them-back in the 60s it was
Paper bags and boxes.
And since people have realised how much of menace the
plastic ones can be reusable and biodegradable bags have
been introdced.
The Government make about laws
The Government will hold another meeting in six months.
By then we will have used another two billion
Plastic bags
Well done Ken!